Author: esquivelpalma.1
Dwight DeLong Memorial Lecture, Dr. Peterson
The Dwight M. DeLong Memorial Lecture sponsored by EGSA
The Graduate Entomology Student Association, 2017
Effective Interviewing Skills Workshop Recording
Recordings from our workshop could be accessed with the following BuckeyeBox link. Feel free to download the file or share it with your colleagues.
BuckeyeBox Link:
OARDC Schoolars-EGSA Workshop, Thursday 21th from 9:00 AM-10:30 AM
Please RSVP to by Wednesday 20th. Refreshments will be provided
Insect Night Walk, July 15th, 2017.
Insect Night Walk, July 15th 2017
Come experience nightlife most never see at this free, family event! Among the stars: ghostly moths, burying beetles, coldly glittering fireflies. Activities include cockroach races, coloring table, firefly collecting contest, temporary insect tattoos, six-legged race, expert-led walks to insect-attracting traps and black lights, and bug zoo. Bring a flashlight, good walking shoes, and a clear jar to collect insects. If the weather looks threatening, call 330-263-3723. Rain date: July 18th. Sponsored by: Entomology Graduate Student Association and OSU-Zamorano Association.