Sophomore Year: The End of an Era

The end of my second year at Ohio State has been bittersweet. I was sad to pack up and say goodbye to living on campus, 10 feet away from my closest friends, but I am excited for what the next two years have in store for me. This semester was rough, to say the least. Between struggling through organic chemistry and trying to stay involved while still making time for fun things, it was a whirlwind of a year but I’m grateful for what I learned through all of the adversity. I’ve seen a change in the way that I study and approach learning and my classes. College has taught me how to learn, and I believe that this knowledge will help me in my future endeavors. I have grown as a person, as well – I feel more confident and sure of myself, and less concerned with how others feel about me. Being here at Ohio State has made me open my mind to other career paths than I had initially been considering. I am passionate about working with animals and have begun to think about different ways that I can pursue a career in which animals are the main focus. This summer I will be working on a sea turtle research project in Costa Rica and working as a vet assistant in Santa Rosa, CA. I am hoping that these experiences can help to point me in the right direction and lead to similar experiences in the future. I have applied to a coral bleaching research position for my junior year, which I am very excited for. These next two years are going to be full of new and exciting opportunities which will hopefully continue to help me grow personally and professionally.

Colony Cats

I have been fortunate enough to be a volunteer with Colony Cats for almost two years now. Colony Cats is a volunteer-run organization that provides homeless cats with proper medical care and works around the clock to send them to their forever homes. I spend the majority of my time each week in the intake/sick area, where I clean cages, give the cats food and water, and provide them with some extra love and cuddles to help them feel better and get back to being healthy. It is such a rewarding experience and I love every minute that I am at the shelter (even when cats sneeze directly into my hair). I hope to continue volunteering at Colony Cats for the rest of my time at Ohio State, and even once I graduate if I end up staying in Columbus.

Veterinary Medicine – Marine Animals

My career plan as of now is to attend veterinary school after undergrad. I currently would like to focus on aquatic mammals but am open to my interests changing over time. When I graduate from vet school, I either want to work at an aquarium/zoo or with marine rescue and rehabilitation.

During the summer of 2019, I will be working at a veterinary hospital in Santa Rosa, California as a veterinary assistant. This opportunity will allow me to experience first-hand what a future career could look like if I decide to pursue veterinary medicine.

In addition, I am using the money provided by STEP to participate in a sea turtle conservation and research program based in Costa Rica. This project focuses on both aspects of my personal interests and career goals of working with (marine) animals.

4 Paws for Ability

One of the clubs that I am a part of at Ohio State is 4 Paws for Ability. 4 Paws for Ability enriches the lives of children with disabilities by training and placing quality, task-trained service dogs. This provides increased independence for the children, and assistance to their families. 4 Paws also works with veterans from recent conflicts who’ve lost the use of their limbs or their hearing while in active combat. My job as an alternate handler is to take care of the dog that I am responsible for, taking him on playdates, making sure he gets his food and water, and working on commands and socialization. Being a member of 4 Paws at Ohio State is a fun and rewarding experience, and seeing the difference that a service dog can make in a child’s life makes the frustrating days worth it.

Service Trip: Mississippi

This past spring break (2019), the Newman Center took a group of students to Holly Springs, Mississippi to rebuild homes for those in need. The group that I worked with had the chance to meet and interact with the homeowner, Ms. Walker. We learned so much about her life and who she was. It was an eye-opening week and made me realize that I need to be more grateful for the things that I have because there are people out there who don’t have even the most basic necessities that we take for granted, such as plumbing and fresh water. The main project that we worked on was tearing down and replacing the walls in the kitchen area. I learned more than I thought I ever would about construction and power tools, which was something that a classroom could never teach me. Our team leader, Mr. Bob, was such a patient and joyful man and really helped to bring our group together and made the week even better. I would absolutely recommend participating in a service trip to anyone looking to grow in character and experience.

Buckeyethon 2019

Buckeyethon is an amazing organization that works to raise money for Nationwide Children’s Hospital. It was an honor to dance For the Kids and to help raise over $1 million for cancer research!

Buck-I-Serv: Merry Green Marvel

Over winter break (2018), a group of Ohio State students and I traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana to work on environmental service projects and spent the week living out of a bus. This experienced pushed me out of my comfort zone and provided an opportunity to learn more about the history, culture, and people of New Orleans. I made great new friends and have a greater appreciation for the environment, as well as inspiration to do all that I can to protect it for the future.

First Semester at OSU

This year has been a whirlwind – between new classes, friends, and clubs it has been tough to adjust and get my bearings. At the beginning of the year, I was very overwhelmed with everything, but as the semester has progressed I feel as if I have become more comfortable with campus and my classes. I’ve met some pretty great friends and joined interesting clubs. I’m so thankful to be a part of Scholars because it has created a community of like-minded people that makes Ohio State seem smaller.

Peoria Zoo


During the summer between my sophomore and junior year of high school, I volunteered at the Peoria Zoo as an interpreter. This experience was the first stepping stone toward my goal of working in an animal-related career. It was also my first professional interview and a chance to be independent. Volunteering itself was a lot of fun and I learned a lot during my time at the zoo. One thing that sticks out in my memory was learning that it takes a lot of work and dedication to make a zoo successful and comfortable for the animals. I also realized that promotion to a position such as director or keeper takes a lot of time and hard work. All in all, volunteering at the Peoria Zoo was a great experience, and I would recommend this experience to anyone hoping to grow in knowledge and understanding of animals and their habitats.