Animal Sciences Winter Mixer

As a member of Animal Science Community Alliance, we have worked for several months planning a mixer for students and faculty to interact. The mixer was a huge success and was a great opportunity for students to get to know their professors outside of the classroom!

Barrett-Nosker Recycle Mania

This past year I served the Barrett-Nosker complex as the Sustainability chair. As a complex, we were very successful in our recycling efforts, earning us a first place win in the university wide competition Recycle Mania. I enjoyed my time on Hall Council and hope to continue next year.

CFAES Peer Mentors

This semester I was lucky enough to be chosen to be a peer mentor for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Next Fall I will be paired with incoming freshman to the college to help mentor them through their transition into OSU.

Wildlights with Bio Sci Scholars

On November 17, 2017 I had the great opportunity to go to the Columbus Zoo with my scholars group for the Wildlights event. Being an Animal Science major, and general lover of animals, I had an amazing time at the zoo with this event. While not all of the animals were out, I was able to see manatees, one of my favorite animals. I really enjoyed getting out and spending time with friends and the animals at the zoo.

Biological Sciences Scholars Event: Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Informational Meeting with Dr. Parvin

At this event, Dr. Parvin, the co-director of Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program came into to talk to us about about about the program. He told us all about what the program is and how it is a great opportunity for someone interested in the medical field to expand their reach after undergrad. He emphasized the importance of research to such a program and how one should prepare to apply to the program. Overall, I really enjoyed learning more about the variety of opportunities here at OSU for people to expand their knowledge and apply their skills at a higher level.

Stone Lab

As a part of a summer STEM bridge program I participated in, I was able to visit OSU’s Stone Lab. Throughout my time at Stone Lab, I studied the native and invasive species of plants and animals that call Lake Erie home. This was very fun for me as an Animal Science major as I was able to apply my interests in the field.

Year in Review

Spring 2018

Second semester of my freshman year was filled with new experiences and challenges. I learned the true challenge of being enrolled in 18 credit hours, while also having a job and several involvements. I learned much about myself and my ability to work under pressure. This semester taught me that if I want something, I have to match my effort to how bad I want it. I have been very fortunate with my job and other opportunities which have come forth throughout the semester.

I work as a program coordinator for a volunteer program called Scientific Thinkers which serves as outreach to elementary schools in the Columbus area for the advancement of science. This job has made me very proud to be a STEM major at OSU, as well as very passionate about sharing my knowledge with others. This semester I decided to turn the program into a student organization which will be taking effect next semester. I look forward to continuing to improve the program as I continue on throughout my time at OSU.

This summer I will be doing research at Ohio’s branch campus in Wooster, OH. I am very fortunate to have this opportunity and look forward to enhancing my understanding of animal health. I will be studying a pig rotavirus, called RVC, which is predominantly seen in young piglets.


Click on Links Below to View Past Semesters:

Fall 2017


Global Awareness: Being at Ohio State has encouraged me to step out of my comfort zones and look more seriously into study abroad programs. Throughout my college, CFAES, many programs are offered which cater to my major and career path. I am interested in studying in Australia or Costa Rica. Pursuing a study abroad would give me the opportunity to gain a greater understanding and appreciation for other countries and cultures.

Original Inquiry: Ohio State has revealed to me the importance and value behind research for a STEM major. Through a program I am a part of called LSAMP, I have learned more about the research process and how to pursue undergraduate research. I was able to participate in a summer-long research internship through LSAMP, which introduced me to the world of research here at OSU. I hope to eventually work in a research lab on campus during the academic year, and continue to pursue summer opportunities.

Academic Enrichment: In order to maximize my academic experience here at OSU, I am aiming to take a wide range of courses within my major. While I have the potential to graduate early, I want to be able to take full advantage of the opportunities here at OSU. I plan on using my senior year to take courses which will allow me to be a more well-rounded student and increase my preparation for professional school.

Leadership Development: I have been able to develop my leadership skills at OSU by being a part of the Barrett/Nosker Hall Council Executive Board, in which I serve as the representative for Biological Sciences Scholars and as the Sustainability Chair. This experience has allowed me to grow as a leader and seek opportunities in which I am able to use my skills. I am also the Selections chair for the Sophomore Class Honorary, Romophos. In addition, I am the coordinator of a STEM Education outreach program called Scientific Thinkers.

Service Engagement: I am the coordinator of an outreach program called Scientific Thinkers which aims to encourage the use of science at the elementary level. Every other week we visit Innis Elementary School, a public elementary in Columbus. We focus on teaching the kids fun science experiments in which they are able to get a more hands-on experience with science and how the world around them works.