This summer the Dialectics Working Group focuses on close reading and discussion of Guy Debord’s 1967 classic, The Society of the Spectacle. Meetings are on Wednesdays at 3pm in the Humanities Institute, Hagerty 159. Afterwards those who like can meet up at Café Kerouac’s for more discussion. All are welcome.
Each week we plan to cover a section of the work. The recommended translation is that of Ken Knabb, available here. The same translation is also available online here. The French text can be found here. Here is the schedule:
June 7: 1. Separation Perfected
June 14: 2. The Commodity as Spectacle
June 21: 3. Unity and Division Within Appearances
June 28: 4. The Proletariat as Subject and Representation
July 5: 5. Time and History
July 12: 6. Spectacular Time
July 19: 7. Territorial Management
July 26: 8. Negation and Consumption Within Culture
August 2: 9. Ideology Materialized