Fall 2016- Spring 2017

Coming from a very small farm-town, college in a big city like Columbus was a very  different experience. Throughout high school, my only experience with other cultures was through what I learned  from my Spanish classes. International Affairs Scholars especially was a great opportunity to interact with different cultures first hand.     I truly enjoyed my first Ohio State football games and my experiences in Block O. However, it was difficult at first for me to come to terms with not being the best at whatever I tried. It was also difficult when I realized I was not enjoying my major but once I recognized that I had developed new interests and chose a new major that reflected these interests, my experience improved. In following year I hope to get more involved on campus. I’m excited to work as a First Year Experience Peer Leader over the summer and throughout the next school year.

National Residence Hall Honorary

This February I was inducted into the Buckeye Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary. This organization prides itself on service, leadership, and the recognition of those who go above and beyond in the residence halls. As this chapter is still relatively new to campus, I am excited to have the opportunity to increase it’s prominence. Before being inducted to NRHH, I attended the residence hall All-Star day they hosted Fall Semester for outstanding students in the residence halls. NRHH also gives recognition through Of The Month nominations which can be considered for campus, regional, and national awards. The group also participates in a Buck-I-Serve trip to Punta Gorda, Florida. There are leadership positions available to the active members living on campus through the executive board.