About Me

On July 30, 1998, he was born in the town of Kettering, Ohio. His name is Brock DeCoy, and he is nineteen years old. He is the youngest of three children, and a small town in Ohio located across the Ohio River from West Virginia is his home, called Bellaire.

As he was growing up, Brock was involved in many different sports including T-Ball, hockey, and flag football. Once he transitioned from middle school to high school, his prime interests narrowed down to football and bowling. For seven years, you could find him under a helmet, shoulder pads, and cleats from early August to early November. While a sport like football requires not only physical toughness but also mental toughness, it really shaped Brock into who he is today. It taught him to always strive for greatness and never give in when adversity strikes. As he looks back on his playing years, Brock can’t help but smile because this sport was a vital component of his life that helped him grow as a person, both inside and out.

In September of 2002, Brock started his first year of preschool at St. John Central Grade School when he was just four years old. From preschool to eighth grade, he really enjoyed his time there, creating memories such as going on numerous field trips and performing in his school’s annual Variety Show every spring. Brock then moved on to St. John Central High School, which was right across the street. This was a very small, private, catholic high school that only had an enrollment of forty students during his senior year. Nevertheless, they never looked at this as a negative thing. They all formed close relationships that continue to be strong even to this day.

Ever since he was little, Brock always had a deep love for Ohio State. Being born and raised in this great state, this love was a natural love. Once he knew he was able to continue his academic career at this fine university, Brock never hesitated to start planning. During previous summers, he had attended many leadership programs including the Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Seminar and Buckeye Boys State. From these experiences, he knew the Mount Leadership Society Scholars Program would be a great addition to his list.

Brock considers himself extremely blessed to be not only an Ohio State student but also a member of the Mount Leadership Society. While coming from a high school that only had forty students to attending a college with almost sixty-thousand students may have seemed daunting, being a part of this scholars program made the transition much easier for him. Within the next few years, Brock looks forward to making new memories with his fellow scholars and continuing to grow into the best person he can be.

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