In order to foment growth of the society and also of transatlantic collaborations between our membership on both sides of the Atlantic, the leadership of Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry has created several small travel scholarships to help graduate students get across the Atlantic—in either direction—in order to present a paper for SRBHP, either at our biennial conference or in an SRBHP-sponsored session at another conference. This year, we have set aside funds for 4 “bolsas de viaje” of 200 Euros each. One award went to a European student to read in an SRBHP panel at RSA-Chicago. The remaining three awards will help doctoral students in the Americas attend the XIII Biennial Conference of the SRBHP in Seville in October—a particularly tough competition, as there were some 17 abstracts from Ph.D. students this year! Please join me in congratulating this year’s winners of the four travel awards:

1. Joseph Roussiès (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid) read a paper titled “The Iberian Madrigal: Harmony and Disharmony Between Poetic Form and Musical Genre (1552-1624)” in a session on “Poetry and Music” sponsored by the SRBHP at the recent RSA conference in Chicago.
2. Víctor Sierra Matute (University of Pennsylvania) will read a paper titled “Entro en mí mismo para verme”: subjetividad lírica y pensamiento poético de Lope de Vega” in a panel on Teorías de la lírica hispánica del Siglo de Oro at the SRBHP conference in Seville.
3. David Galicia Lechuga (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) will read a paper titled “Amor y mitología en la poesía cortesana de Luis de Góngora” at the SRBHP conference in Seville. We are thrilled to announce that this is the first “bolsa de viaje” made by the SRBHP to a doctoral candidate studying in Latin America!
4. Sam Krieg (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) will read a paper titled “Absolute Space in Hernando Domínguez Camargo’s Poema heroico” at the SRBHP conference in Seville.

¡Enhorabuena a los cuatro, que participarán en nuestro XIII Congreso Bienal! Sevilla se ve cada día más cerca..