Paper, “Navegar por Tierrafirme hacia el Puerto de Belén. Transatlantic Villancicos sung for the Matins of the Birth of Christ our Lord (Sevilla and New Spain, 1646-1681),” XIV Biennial Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry. University of California – Irvine, October 17-19, 2019.

Organizer, Special Session on “El mar y sus metáforas,” XIV Biennial Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry. University of California – Irvine, October 17-19, 2019.

Chair, “Materialidad y edición”. XIII Congreso Bienal de la Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry. Universidad de Sevilla, 18-20 October, 2017.

Acto institucional de apertura y plenaria. Paraninfo de la Universidad. Presiding: Sr. Rector de la Universidad de Sevilla. Welcoming remarks and Introduction of first Plenary speaker. XIII Congreso Bienal de la Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry. Universidad de Sevilla, 18 October, 2017.

Paper, “Petrarch in the Carrera de Indias: Incongruous Versifying on the Banks of the Guadalquivir (1611)”, Biennial Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, University of Massachusetts Amherst – Mount Holyoke College, September 24-26, 2015

Paper, “Transoceanic Flows: The Practice of Everyday Life in the Ships of the Carrera de Indias”, Panel on “By Land and Sea: The Spaces of Empire in the Spanish Atlantic,” Renaissance Society of America, Berlin, March 2015

Paper, “The Castaway’s Promise: Risk, Transaction and Textual Circulation in the Spanish Atlantic”, Bling Rings: Objects, Texts, and Images in the Iberian Empires, The Ohio State University, Columbus, March 20-21 2014

Paper, “The Sinner’s Faces: The Rhetoric of Repentance in the Lope de Vega’s Rimas Sacras”, Biennial Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, October 2013

Keynote lecture, “La apuesta de Villagrá: Piedad y posesión en la entrada a la Nueva México (Historia de la Nueva México (1610) de Gaspar Pérez de Villagrá)”, I Congreso Internacional de Estudios sobre la Épica: Configuraciones del Género desde los Clásicos a la Actualidad, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina), August 18-20, 2011

Paper, “Against the Current: Antonio de Guevara and the Golden Age Artes de navegar”, Seventeenth Annual Carolina Conference on Romance Literatures, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, March 24-26, 2011

Invited lecture, “Villagrá’s Wager: Piety and Possession on the Road to La Nueva México”, Commemorative Conference “400 Years of Literature and History in the United States: Gaspar de Villagrá’s Historia de la Nueva México (1610),” organized by Manuel M. Martín-Rodríguez, University of California, Merced, October 22, 2010

Invited lecture, “Ottoman Masks: Epic Turqueries in the Spanish Golden Age”, International Conference “Turks: The role of Islamic culture in early modern European literature, from the Fall of Constantinople (1453) to the Battle of Vienna (1683)”, organized by Peter Madsen, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen (Denmark), August 26-28, 2010

Paper, “Historia y literatura sobre el mar: Relaciones de la travesía del Atlántico”, XVII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Rome, July 19-24, 2010

Paper, “History and Literature on the Iberian Sea: Early Modern Accounts of the Atlantic Crossing”, Sixteenth Annual Carolina Conference on Romance Literatures, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, March 25-27, 2010

Invited discussant, “Exploring the ‘Transatlantic’ label in the context of Early Modern studies: A Roundtable Discussion”. Rosa Perelmuter, organizer and chair. Sixteenth Annual Carolina Conference on Romance Literatures, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, March 25-27, 2010

Invited paper, “Fact and Fiction on the Iberian Sea: Early Modern Accounts of the Atlantic Crossing”. Invited by Frederick Aldama, organizer of session “Monstrous Crossings in Narrative Fiction/Nonfiction and the Shaping of Early Modern Culture”, Project Narrative, The Ohio State University, Columbus, 29 January 2010

Invited lecture, “El más riguroso que se ha visto en la mar: Representación del huracán en los escritos marítimos de la primera modernidad,” Seminario Internacional La violencia en el mundo hispánico del Siglo de Oro, State University of New York at Stony Brook, October 9-10, 2008. Organized by SUNY Stony Brook and GRISO (Universidad de Navarra)

Paper, “Las caras del pecador: Hacia una retórica del arrepentimiento en la poesía sacra del Barroco,” VIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 7-11, 2008

Invited paper, Special Session, “The Blame Game: Catastrophe and the Assignment of Responsibility in the Correspondence of Officers in the Indies Fleets, 1540-1660.” For session “Sea of Words, Insularity of the Senses,” organized by Ricardo Padrón, Renaissance Society of America, Chicago 3-5 April 2008

Paper, “Texto y tempestad: El riesgo del naufragio en la épica y en la novela de los siglos áureos,” Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Paris, France, July, 2007

Paper, “Navigating the Court: Antonio de Guevara’s Arte de marear (1539) and Golden Age Artes de navegar,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington, April 2007

Paper, “When the Ships Come In: The Indies Fleets in Letters from Spanish Immigrants to the Indies (Sixteenth Century),” Session on “The Poetics of Recollection: Lives, Letters and Other Narratives of Experience in the Long Sixteenth Century,” organized by the Division on Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Spanish Prose and Poetry, Modern Language Association of America, Philadelphia, December 2006

“Transatlantic flows: Daily life in the accounts of three passengers on the Indies fleets,” III Conference of the Transatlantic Project (“La Geotextualidad Atlántica,” Providence, April 2006

“Perilous Crossings: Spanish Poetry in Relationship to the Transatlantic Crossing (1500-1650),” Invited by the Ancient, Medieval & Renaissance Studies Program and the Department of Modern Foreign Languages of Ohio Wesleyan University, November 2005

“Perilous Crossings: Spanish Maritime Writing (1500-1650),” Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies Faculty Colloquium, The Ohio State University, March 2006

Paper, “Piloto hoy la Cudicia: History vs. poetry in the conquest of Chile,” Session on “Poetry in Motion: The Poetics of Travel and Displacement,” organized by the Division on Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Spanish Prose and Poetry, Modern Language Association of America, Washington, D. C., December 2005

Respondent, Special Session, “Is All Poetics Global? Debates on Spanish Writing Practices in Light of Ultramarine Imperialism,” organized by Enrique García Santo-Tomás (University of Michigan), Modern Language Association of America, Washington, D. C., December 2005

Keynote Lecture, “Travesías peligrosas: Escrituras del mar en España durante la época imperial, 1492-1650,” VII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, July 2005

Invited lecture: “Épica y configuración del canon en la poesía española del Siglo de Oro,” VII Encuentro Internacional sobre Poesía del Siglo de Oro on the topic of “Conformación del corpus y configuración del canon en la poesía española del Siglo de Oro,” Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, November 2003

Invited lecture: “A Problem of Ontological Purity? Oceans versus Rivers in Gaspar Pérez de Villagrá’s Historia de la Nueva México (1610),” Colloquium on the topic of “Epic Texts and the Colonial World,” Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. November 2003

Invited lecture, “Transatlantic Consciousness: The Bothersome Nautical Similes of Gaspar Pérez de Villagrá’s Historia de la Nueva México (1610),” Sixth Biennial Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, Boston University, Boston, October 2003

Paper, “Golden Age seafaring, real and imagined: Horatian odes in Espinosa’s Flores de poetas ilustres (1605) in the light of letters of commerce with the Indies,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington, April 2003

Paper, “Lovers, Merchants, Generals and Sailors: Varieties of Golden Age Sea Writing,” Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, February 2003

Paper, “El motivo marinero del ex-voto, de Garcilaso a Quevedo,” Fifth Biennial Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, October 2001

Paper, “¿Marte o Venus? Incorporación de elementos líricos en El Bernardo de Balbuena (1624),” XIV Congreso, Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, City University of New York, New York City, July 2001

Conference Organizer, Fifth Biennial Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, October 2001

Organizer (by invitation): Special session on Golden Age epic poetry. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, April 2000

Paper, “Epic and Lyric: Bernardo de Balbuena’s Unobtrusive Petrarchism,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, April 2000

Paper, “Golden Age Epic and the Promotion of Imperial Monarchy,” Special session dedicated to Frank Pierce, Fourth Biannual Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, Davis, Calif., October 1999

Paper, “Sibling Rivalry: Alonso de Ercilla and Juan Rufo Write Lepanto,” Third Biannual Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, Rochester, October 1997

Paper, “The Old World in the Poet’s Gaze: Power Issues in Diego de Hojeda’s La Cristiada,” Special Session entitled “Nuevas aproximaciones a la epopeya del Siglo de Oro y de las Letras Coloniales: La Araucana, Os Lusíadas, La Cristiada, y Oriental Planeta Evangélico,” Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Languages and Literatures, New Orleans, February 1997

Paper, “Iglesia, Mar, y Casa Real: Imaginario de la Odisea en la Épica del Siglo de Oro,” International Symposium on Travel Literature, Toledo, Spain, September 1996 (repeated at OSU, October 1996)

Paper, “Dulzura y utilidad: Defining Heroism in El Monserrate,” Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, Houston, November, 1995

Paper, “Escribir después de Ercilla: La codicia en La Austriada de Juan Rufo,” Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Birmingham, England, August, 1995

Paper, “Outwriting Ercilla: Juan Rufo’s Battle of Lepanto,” Special Session entitled “La Araucana and other poems: New Critical Approaches to Spanish Epic Poetry,” Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Languages and Literatures, New Orleans, March 1995

Paper, “La Araucana: Epic of the Defeated?” Modern Language Association of America, Session entitled “Heroic Attempts: Reading the Colonial Latin American Epic,” sponsored by the Division on Literature of Colonial Spanish America, San Diego, December 1994

Organizer, Continuing Session on Golden Age Literature, American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Philadelphia, August 1994

Paper, “Separation and the Desire for Death: From Cancionero to Golden Age Epic,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, April 1994

Paper, “Unredeemable Enemies: The ‘Hermosa Hebrea’ in Lope’s Jerusalén conquistada,” Modern Language Association of America, Division on Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Spanish Prose and Poetry, Toronto, December 1993

Paper, “Golden Age Epic and the Promotion of Imperial Monarchy,” Modern Language Association of America, Toronto, December 1993

Organizer, Special Session, “Canonical Heresy: Toward New Representations of Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Spain,” Modern Language Association of America, New York City, 1992

Paper, “Where Have all the Heroes Gone? The Separation of Epic from the Canon,” Modern Language Association of America, New York City, December 1992

Paper, “El destino de Ismenia (Jerusalén conquistada de Lope de Vega)”, XI Congreso, Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Irvine, California, August 1992

Paper, “Golden Age Epic and the Modern Reader: Problems of De-Centering Empire in Virués’s El Monserrate,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 1992

Presider: “Woman the Subject, Woman the Author,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 1992

Paper: “Paradox and Discursive Insufficiency in the Spiritual Canticle,” American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Chicago, August 1991

Organizer and Presider, Session on “The Discourse of Silence: Spanish Mysticism,” sponsored by Studia Mystica, 26th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 1991

Organizer and Presider, Session on “Representations of the Other,” Second Conference on Hispanic Cultures of the Pacific Coast of the Americas, Eugene, May 1991

Paper, “The Politics of Prophecy in Lope de Vega’s Jerusalén conquistada,” 44th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 1991

Paper, “‘Woman, Why Weepest Thou?’ Re-Visioning the Golden Age Magdalen,” Modern Language Association of America, Division on Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Spanish Prose and Poetry, Chicago, December 1990

Paper, “The Eloquent Stammer: Discursive Paradox in the ‘Cántico espiritual’,” 25th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May 1990

Paper, “La naturaleza del narrador en La Christiada de Hojeda,” X Congreso, Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Barcelona, August 1989

Paper, “Secondary Narrative Voices in La Christiada,” Pacific Northwest Renaissance Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, March 1989

Paper, “Narrative Structure in Las moradas,” Special session on The Four Hundredth Anniversary of Santa Teresa’s Moradas, Modern Language Association of America, New Orleans, December 1988

Paper, “The Return to the Garden: Reminiscences of Eden in Santa Teresa’s Vida,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 1988

Chair, Session on Cervantes and the Lazarillo, Kentucky Foreign Language Conference Golden Age Prose, April 1988

Paper, “‘Conquistas de las Indias de Dios:’ Some Early Poetic Appropriations of the Indies by the Spanish Renaissance,” Pacific Northwest Renaissance Conference, Eugene, April 1988