Personal Crest Description

For my personal crest I want to start with the center. In the center I have the cross. This represents more to me than just a a religious symbol. This is where me beliefs, values, and my way of life come from. It is fitting to put this in the middle because just like on the crest, the cross touches all aspects of my life.

The upper right hand corner has my family. I have always valued my family, however in recent years I have seen my scope of family become wider and wider. I have learned that my immediate family isn’t the only family that loves me and that I can trust other people with my heart as well. This comes from the cross and what I believe about the family of God.

The upper left corner is a picture of a tractor. This represents not only my love for agriculture and equipment, but it also represents the community agriculture has with it. Just like the tractor, agriculture isn’t just 4 wheels or a motor. It is a combination. This combination is something I have grown up with and never want to live without.

The bottom left hand corner has a music note. From an early age I was introduced to the joys and pleasures that playing music can bring. It provides me with a way to express and enjoy myself. ThisĀ  also can be used to express worship to God. Both of these examples display the power of music and a I think that it is very important.

The final corner holds a book. Learning and gaining knowledge is always important. As humans I think it is something we thirst for without realizing it. Sure school isn’t always fun, but there are other ways to learn