A member of the Lamiaceae with an explanation of the characters that you used to determine the family identification.
Spearmint- Mentha spicata
Characteristics used: Square stems, aromatic, opposite leaves, zygomorphic flowers.
Growing in an overgrown garden in front of a house in University District of Columbus, OH.
A member of the Solanaceae with an explanation of the characters that you used to determine the family identification.
Tomato- Solanum lycopersicum
Characteristics: Superior ovary, fruit a berry, alternate leaves.
Growing in a planted garden in Beavercreek, OH.
Cornus species.
Flowering Dogwood- Cornus florida
Characteristics: Understory tree, red drupes growing in clusters, leaves are simple, opposite, ovate, and entire.
Found in the front yard of a house in Harrison West of Columbus, OH.
Rhamnus species.
Buckthorn- Genus Rhamnus (species unknown)
Characteristics: Medium-sized tree, growing along fence-line with other invasives such as honeysuckle, branches end in woody ‘spine’, have small, dark berries.
Found near the OSU Museum of Biodiversity in Columbus, OH.
A plant with a corolla of fused petals.
Morning Glory- Ipomoea purpurea
Petals are fused into one tube- no individual petals obvious.
Found along a fence-line in the back of a house in University District of Columbus, OH.
A plant that produces berries.
Honeysuckle- Genus Lonicera (species unknown)
Produces small, red, fleshy fruit with no hard outer shell and no hard inner pit. Round.
Found in Highbanks Metro Park in Columbus, OH.