Ohio Plants


Species Name: Cirsium arvense

Common Name: Canada Thistle

Family: Asteraceae

Status: Introduced

Notes: Collected 9/17/2014. Found in a field nearby 2 small ponds. Area was fairly low and was moderately wet.




Species Name: Rudbeckia hirta

Common Name: Black-eyed Susan

Family: Asteraceae

Status: Native

Notes: Collected 9/17/2014. Found in a field nearby 2 small ponds. Area was fairly low and was moderately wet. Key characteristic to identifiying this species is the is the large daisy like flowers with large black head, that makes it easy to quickly identify. The plant duration is annual and the habit is herb.


Species Name: Helianthus decapetalus

Common Name: Thin-leaved Sunflower

Family: Asteraceae

Status: Native

Notes: Collected 9/17/2014. Found in a field nearby 2 small ponds. Area was fairly low and was moderately wet.



One thought on “Ohio Plants

  1. The thin-leaved sunflower (Helianthus decapetalus) looks similar to a thin-leaved coneflower (Rudbeckia triloba), expect the sunflower has a yellow central disk and the coneflower has a brown central disk. Another characteristic for distinguishing the two is leaf arrangement: opposite (sunflower) vs. alternate (coneflower).

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