Species Name: Cichorium intybus
Common Name: Chicory
Family Name: Asteraceae
Status: non-native, but naturalized
Field Notes: Collected 14 September 2014 in Pickaway County, OH. Growing in a roadside habitat.
Species Name: Daucus carota
Common Name: Queen Anne’s Lace
Family Name: Apiaceae
Status: non-native, but naturalized
Field Notes: Collected 14 September 2014 in Pickaway County, OH. Growing in an uncultivated, dry prairie. This plant was recognized by its hairy stem and white head of flowers atop the stem. The flower heads of older plants curl up and resemble a bird’s nest.
Species Name: Prunella vulgaris
Common Name: Selfheal
Family Name: Lamiaceae
Status: native
Field Notes: Collected 14 September 2014 in Pickaway County, OH. Growing in a lawn with scattered deciduous trees.
That self heal is very nice. I like how in the picture you can get a pretty good look at the stem because a common charachteristic as discussed in class with lamiaceae is that when herbaceous a square stem can be common as seen on other members of the family such as mint and basil. Looking closely at the stem in the photo it appears that this plant to matches.