
Over fall break, I traveled with 20 students in the Business Scholars and Honors Programs to the Honda Factory in Ohio. It was great to learn more about how different specializations in business applied to specific jobs at Honda. For example, the employee panel that led us around the factory consisted of people that majored in all areas of business from marketing to logistics and operations. In addition to learning about the factory, I was also able to bond with students in the Honors program. The opportunity to travel to the Honda Factory was great because it allowed me to explore all the majors I could choose within the Fisher School of Business. Specifically, I am interested in either accounting or operations management. Overall, the tour was very fun, and I’m glad I could attend the event. In the future, as vice president of administration of the Business Scholars Leadership Council (BSLC), I want to create more opportunities for other students to visit companies similar to Honda.

Pictured above: Myself and the other members of the Business Honors and Scholars Programs at the factory.