About Me

senior pic 1Hi, my name is Sierra Cydrus and I am currently a freshman at The Ohio State University! I am majoring in Biology with a pre-med focus in hopes of one day becoming a doctor. My fondness for biology extends outside the classroom as I am also a Biological Sciences Scholar. Physical fitness has always been an important aspect of my life and I have kept in shape by competing on the Women’s Novice Rowing team here at OSU.

Although Barrett House is my current home, I have not always lived here. I grew up in Chillicothe, a small farm town in Southern Ohio. Columbus is drastically different compared to my hometown, but I have adjusted successfully by using the skills I was taught back home. One important lesson I learned was the art of time management. From lacrosse practice, to student council, to volunteering, I was always on the go. Not much has changed. but I now know how to allow just enough time to get everything accomplished. I look forward to getting busier here at Ohio State!