Becoming a Buckeye

While many high school seniors find it relatively easy to decide on which college to attend, my experience was very different. From class size to campus location, I was overwhelmed with the endless amount of options. After receiving an excellent scholarship and acceptance into the Scholars program of my choosing, I finally decided to attend Ohio State…a day before the admissions office required my decision. After accepting my offer to attend Ohio State, I began to question my decision. I was worried that I had made the wrong choice. On my way to freshman orientation I was a nervous wreck, to say the least. I was going to be put on an unfamiliar campus that I was not sure I even wanted to be on. While I had many doubts and worries going into orientation, I came out feeling a lot better. I had met new people, became familiar with the campus, and learned that I loved The Ohio State University. One of the first things I received at orientation was a buckeye and a piece of paper with Carmen Ohio on it. I now carry around these two items in my book bag to remind me everyday that I made the decision to be a buckeye and I am happy with my decision.
