Ohio State Digital Flagship Announcement Provides Opportunity to Highlight Local Ed Tech Initiatives and Innovations

Announced this week is a new collaboration between OSU and Apple called the Digital Flagship University, which has 3 components:
  • a student-success initiative to integrate learning technology throughout the university experience
  • an iOS design laboratory on the Columbus campus serving faculty, staff, students and members of the broader community
  • university-wide opportunities for students to learn coding skills to enhance their career-readiness in the app economy.
Faculty and staff should know that our college has been involved in its own iPad initiative since autumn 2016. At that time, the Office of Teaching and Learning and Professional Program support saw iPads as a way to remedy technical issues associated with ExamSoft test administration, to maximize student use of educational technology, and to support instructor ability to implement different instructional approaches.

Our office views this announcement as an opportunity to further engage teaching faculty and staff around the pedagogical advantages of students having access to a common set of learning technologies.

In fact, some exciting work involving the iPad (as well as other devices and applications in our eLearning ecosystem) includes the following:

  • As part of the Stanton Clinical Skills Lab effort, a team led by Dr. Tatiana Motta has been making exciting progress on the development of various models, like the ear model below, that can be 3D-printed. Such models can also be used to develop Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Reality (A/V/MR) experiences, which Dr. Motta has also been exploring.

  • In some of his lectures, Dr. Austin Hinds provides his students with guided notes that they can fill in during class. Through the use of an Apple TV purchased by Teaching & Learning, Dr. Hinds is able to wirelessly project his iPad to screens in Wexner Auditorium. As a result, he is able to write and illustrate content in real-time. In this instance, he helped students with their guided notes. Being able to wirelessly project also allows him to move around the auditorium and engage with the students more effectively.

  • As mentioned in last week’s update, Drs. Jessica Hokamp and Maxey Wellman have introduced an activity into their cytology elective course during which students are asked to effectively use the microscope, identify areas and cells being viewed, and capture the area identified using the iPhone.

OTL provides training each year to students, and Jay Hsiao and Kate Midnight, our instructional designers and educational technologists, are interested in helping you to explore integrating learning technologies into your courses?

Do you have any ideas that you would like to implement? Feel free to contact us at CVMOTL@osu.edu!