Teach Students How to Learn Provides Insight Into Learner Empowerment

The first of two discussion session on application of instructional practices outlined in Teach Students How to Learn — the OTLs autumn semester book group selection — took place this week. Faculty attending said this particular selection was helpful in gaining insight into how students can empower themselves as learners.

The Office of Teaching & Learning has shared some of the strategies presented in this text with students. In particular, we provided them with information on metacognitive learning strategies and the study cycle.

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Small Teaching Discussions

Over the past several weeks, the Office of Teaching and Learning has hosted group discussions with CVM faculty and staff around Part I and Part II of James Lang’s book, Small Teaching. The book provides an easy to understand overview of modern education research, with countless simple examples of how instructors can make small changes to classes of all shapes, sizes, and delivery methods in order to engage student learners.

Please feel free to join us for the discussion of the third part of Small Teaching on April 10th (8am) and 11th (noon) in VMC 0076. The book is available through the OSU library system, or for purchase through kindle, nook, or your favorite book store.

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Discussion Groups on “Small Teaching” Begin Monday

Just a reminder that faculty conversation on James M. Lang’s Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning begins next week. Faculty and educational program staff are invited to join us for either or both discussion sessions scheduled from 8 to 9 a.m., Monday, Feb. 20, and noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 21. We will be meeting in VMC 0076.

Topics covered are from Part I: Knowledge, which involves retrieving, predicting, and interleaving. In particular, we will consider what new knowledge we discovered in the first section of the book and how to apply that to our own pre-clinical and clinical instruction.

If you did not register for the book group but now have time to attend, please feel free to drop in. While we do not have additional copies of the books, several of us are willing to share our copies, and you can always order a digital copy (Kindle or Nook are currently available).

If you have questions, please contact Melinda Rhodes-DiSalvo, rhodes-disalvo.1@osu.edu.

How Learning Works


Beginning this spring, the Office of Teaching & Learning invites you to participate in a book group focusing on best practices and pedagogy. This Friday’s Tips include bits of advice from each of the chapters comprising our featured book, How Learning Works: 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching, by Susan A. Ambrose and colleagues. Continue reading How Learning Works