Quick Tip: Staying on Top of Your Course Due Dates

With many assignment and quiz due dates to juggle, it is very important for you, the students, to know how to handle them effectively. Fortunately, Carmen helps you to do that through multiple ways:
  • The right sidebar on the Dashboard page (link on the left menu once you get past the landing page) shows the following:
    • To Do shows all assignments with a due date in the next seven days
    • Coming Up shows all assignments and events that will take place or start in the next seven days
    • Recent Feedback shows any feedback that you have received from your instructor during the last four weeks
  • On each course’s homepage, the To Do, Coming Up and Recent Feedback sections are also displayed in the right sidebar.
  • Each course also has a calendar that will display any items with date(s) attached to them, such as start and due dates. The Calendar tool aggregates the calendars of the courses that you are actively enrolled in.
  • Finally, due dates are also listed on most syllabi that is provided to you on or prior to the first day of classes. If you need additional organization and/or reminders, it may be a good idea to record them on your personal calendars, to-do lists, etc..
As always, if you have questions regarding study strategies, please feel freeom to email us at CVMOTL@osu.edu.

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