Jay Hsiao has summarized cool new things and/or fixes that were added to CarmenCanvas in the past month. If something catches your eye, feel free to come talk to the Office of Teaching & Learning’s instructional designers.
For a complete list, check out the release notes from 4/22.
For Instructors and Students
- In the Dashboard, there is a new “gear icon” at the top right that you can use to toggle between the “Recent Activity” and the “Course Cards” views.
- The built-in Flicker image search functionality is now restricted to Public Domain only.
Instructors Only
- When assignments are assigned to more than 11 individual students, editing the assignment displays the names of each student (where you might have seen “Loading” before).
Students Only
- Students who have opted into receiving text messages from CarmenCanvas may start seeing new types of notifications, including:
- reminder to turn in any unsubmitted online assignments that are still available after the due date, and
- reminder to retry a quiz if a quiz contains multiple attempts and the highest score received was less than an A or 95%.
- What-If Grades accept decimal values.
Odds and Ends
- The Discussions Search field does not display deleted discussion entries.
- The Individual View Gradebook displays the correct final letter grade when grading schemes are used in a course.