Manager Offboarding Checklist

Managers are responsible for ensuring that employees that are no longer working for the college and/or university, are processed within Workday and that all University equipment is returned prior to their last day.  Tasks should be completed in a timely manner in order to not delay the final paycheck to the employee.  Managers can also download  HR Info – Offboarding for Managers (003)

1. Ensure employee submits termination (resignation/retirement/death) in Workday*

Managers should ask employees to enter the termination in Workday via Self-Service.    If the employee is retiring, please reach out to your department administrative assistant regarding guidance for celebrating retirements and gift.  Involuntary terminations must be entered by HR only.  In the event of death, please notify your HR Consultant and review the Death of Employee resource page.

2.  Remove any building/door/IT access linked with the individual’s BuckID number.

Managers must submit a VIS Exit Form as soon as the resignation is approved in Workday.  This form will route to multiple departments for processing including IT,  Facilities and Finance.

3.  Connect with the Departmental Manager Liaison

Reach out to the appropriate departmental liaison regarding department specific items such as removal from department listings and directories, reassignment of space and equipment, etc. In the case of retirements, consultation is necessary to determine budget limits for gifts and food.

4. Complete additional important tasks:

    • Connect with Finance upon resignation notice to discuss reassigning of university equipment
    • Connect with VIS regarding returning of university owned computers and equipment
    • Notify HR of any direct reports that need transferred to a new manager, or direct reports whose employment with the University will be ending
    • Send an announcement regarding the employee’s departure to constituents with instructions on who to contact and any business process changes
    • Collect keys, ID badges, and other university property on or before the last day of employment.
    • Identify any listservs that the employee is a member of and ensure they are removed
    • Work with the employee on any files, emails, or data that needs transferred to a new owner prior to their last day. Contact OCIO or VIS for further direction.  Once the employee leaves, you will NOT have access to files or information.

5. Consult with your HR Consultant regarding recruitment of a replacement.