Faculty Recruitment/SHIFT

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Sample Faculty Interview Questions

Phase 1

Search Preparation and Proactive Recruitment

Phase 1 is the earliest stage in the search process. Key steps during this phase include determining faculty needs for the unit, creating a search strategy (including timeline), establishing a budget, and identifying additional partners to include in the process. Resources available include guidance on forming committees, training requirements for search committee members, and approaches to advertising and outreach. This section also includes ideas and resources for developing qualified, diverse talent pools to ensure alignment with Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity requirements and advance the eminence of the institution.

Phase 2

Preliminary Review of Applicants

Phase 2 focuses on best practices for the application review and candidate screening processes. The guidelines and resources available support consistency, fairness and equity in the review, assessment and selection of candidates moving forward in the recruitment process. This section also outlines how to select a list of candidates for on-campus interviews.

Phase 3

Finalists Interviews & Evaluations

Phase 3 provides guidance and tools for conducting interviews and campus visits, requesting reference letters (if not requested earlier in the application stage), and collecting feedback from everyone that interacted with the candidates. Adherence to the guidelines outlined in this section has a direct impact on enhancing the candidate experience and ensuring a consistent evaluation process. This phase concludes with the submission of a letter from the search committee to the TIU chair/director.

Phase 4

Extend Offer

This phase provides guidance and resources related to effectively selecting the most qualified candidate(s) for the position(s) and successfully negotiating to result in an accepted offer.

Phase 5

Preboard and Onboard

Phase 5 offers resources to help prepare and support new faculty as they transition to Ohio State. This phase focuses on creating a seamless transition for incoming faculty and their partners/families, if applicable.

Phase 6

Reflect and Assess the Search

Phase 6 is a process supported by OAA to reflect on the hiring cycle each year and evaluate areas that may need improvement and additional support.

