How to Apply and Register for the CUWiP

Application and registration for the 2016 CUWiP occurs in two steps.

Step 1: Apply through the APS

The application opens on September 1, 2015 on the APS CUWiP website and closes on October 16, 2015 at midnight EST.

Monday, November 9  Inform applicants
Friday, November 20  Deadline to accept
Wednesday, November 25  Inform wait-list
Friday, December 4  Deadline for coming off wait-list
Friday, January 1  Deadline to withdraw

When you send in your application, it will be evaluated by the local organizing committee of the conference to which you applied (i.e. the conference that is closest to your anticipated location, January 15, 2016)

Step 2: Register for the Conference

After you have been accepted to the conference, you must register through the APS. At that time a $25 fee will be required for registration, and you will be asked if you are interested in presenting a research poster. Presenting a poster is not a requirement for attending the conference, but we do encourage all students who have been involved in research to bring a poster.

Note: this is a conference for undergraduate students. Strong preference will be given to physics majors (if you haven’t declared your major but are seriously considering physics you may still apply).