Keynote Talk:
This year the Keynote speaker is Ginger Kerrick of NASA, who will address all CUWiP conferences in a virtual Q&A. Please watch this video to know her biography before coming to the conference. We are collecting some questions that you would like to ask her. So email them to us (at before January 10th. We will also collect additional questions for her in the conference before/during her address.
Transportation to the Physics Research Building (PRB) from the Renaissance Hotel on Friday evening will run until 6:00pm. See the bus schedule here. If you arrive after this time, please park near the PRB at one of the Garages on North Campus.
The Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) are coordinated by the American Physical Society (APS) and hosted regionally by colleges and universities across the United States. The Ohio State University is proud to be hosting a CUWiP from Jan 15-17, 2016! The goal of this conference is to encourage undergraduate women to identify as physicists. We hope to achieve this goal through networking events, workshops, and speaker presentations.
These conferences are supported in part by the National Science Foundation (PHY-1346627) and by the Department of Energy Office of Science (DE-SC0011076). Further details are available on the APS conference website.
CUWiP at Ohio State
The CUWiP at Ohio State will be servicing the following states: Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky.
Help us spread the word by sharing this conference flyer.
The Physics Department in The Ohio State University is committed to facilitating a supportive environment for women and minorities in the department, demonstrated by
- the effective recruiting of women graduate student currently at 17%, very near to the national average of 20%
- an active and engaged Society of Women in Physics (SWiP)
- an effective bridge program
- our involvement in outreach programs impacting K-5 (Scientific Thinkers), middle (GRASP) and high school (ASPIRE) students enthusiastic and committed faculty support.