I have chosen plastic waste as my issue to explore. I selected this because in my junior year of high school I took an IB Environmental class and we went to a landfill and I just remember being so disgusted by seeing so many things that did not need to be there. Straws, plastic utensils, water bottles, etc. This was so profound for me because while I may not care that much about a landfill, I could not help but think how much of this was going to the ocean. I have loved the ocean since I was old enough to know what it was. I find the vastness of oceans and the mystery of them so appealing. After I came home from the landfill, I looked up how much plastic was in the ocean. 90%. 90% of the trash in the ocean is plastic. I considered focusing on solely straws, but I feel that plastic, in the big picture, is the main issue. While exploring this issue, I may find challenges. For example, a lot of the time when you go out to eat or get something to-go, restaurants automatically include a straw or they use plastic utensils. I think the challenge there would be me having to be that person that asks the workers to go out of their way in order for me to reach my goal. I think that since I have worked in food before I realize just how annoying one small thing can make your job, and I hate to be the inconvenience. However, I feel like I will be able to get over this anxiety and if the server is too upset I can just explain how plastic is killing our Earth.

Plastic bag floating underwater at Pulau Bunaken





When The Mermaids Cry: The Great Plastic Tide