EEOB 3310 – A Review

During the spring 2021 semester, I took EEOB 3310 – Evolution. As an Evolution and Ecology major, this is one of the first classes I have taken dedicated to my major. Taking this class has been very affirming that I am taking the right path here at Ohio State. I look forward to taking more elective in the Evolution and Ecology major as I am sure they will be as educational and interesting.  Ohio State actually offers classes that teach about native Ohio species and I plan on taking them next year.

This class has taught me the fundamentals of evolution and has covered a variety of topics within the field. One of the modules I found most interesting covered cooperation and sociality. As an undergraduate in a research lab that studies social ecology, it was fascinating to learn about the evolutionary background of the topic. Additionally, the class involved a semester long writing project that encouraged students to use evolutionary concepts to solve an issue relating to a variety of species options. I was able to learn more about red wolves, a species native to the southeastern United States, and the efforts to conserve them. I had never heard of red wolves before this project but I have now taken an interest in them as their population is severely threatened with extinction.

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