Year In Review – Service Experience

During my first semester at Ohio State I joined a service group on campus called Girls in Science and volunteered with them throughout the year. Girls in Science runs an after school science club for fifth grade girls at Weinland Park Elementary School here in Columbus. Each time we visited, we would give the girls a short presentation about a notable female scientist and then help them run their own experiment to teach them about a science topic.

I really enjoyed being able to serve with Girls in Science this past year and I plan on continuing with the group in my coming years at Ohio State. It is so rewarding to see these young girls be so excited about science and other female scientists. I partially attribute my love and interest in science today to my own experience in an after-school science club when I was in the sixth grade. Getting to do science experiments after school with my friends was always the highlight of my week and I feel very lucky that I am able to provide a similar experience for these girls.