Dream Journal

This first image I am using for the water in my dream. I used the spot healing brush to get rid of the reflections in the water of the clouds.

I then added houses that would be used as the shoreline. I used the spot healing, healing, and clone stamp tools to blend the sky and water from the house picture with the original water picture.

Next I added the bridge. I used the quick select tool and the eraser to cut out the background from the original bridge picture. This part took awhile because there were a lot of small openings in the bridge where I had to get rid of the background.


For the focus of my dream, I added 2 people, one person on a boogie board and one person drowning. I used quick selection and the eraser to cut the people out from the original pictures. To blend the water of the person drowning and the background, I used spot healing and the clone stamp so it was the same water/background throughout.

I found a tutorial online to add realistic water ripples so the water wasn’t just flat. This involved adding a new layer then applying a bunch of filters. First I did clouds to get the texture then used other filters like radial blur, bas relief, chrome, and gaussian blur to make it look like water. I changed the blend mode later on (not in this screen shot) to linear light just because I liked the way it looked better.

I found water splash brushes online which I downloaded to make it more dramatic and disrupted by the people. I changed the size and angle of the brushes to make it look more messy and realistic.

Finally I just added some editing layers to make all the layers look cohesive and make the piece look less patchy. I used levels, hue/saturation, photo filter, and brightness/contrast. I just messed around with them until I got the effect I wanted.

Usually I do not remember my dreams but this one really stuck with me for some reason. My dream took place in my hometown so it was easy to recreate the scenery and background because I was able to visualize it so easily. The dream started out with me and my friend walking to class, in high school. For some reason I really wanted my hair to have beach waves so I jumped off the bridge into the water. This jump started the main part of the dream which scared me so I woke up.

The main part of the dream is me drowning. My friend was boogie boarding around me and I was so mad because at first he was not saving me. He then tried to save me and I could not get up on the boogie board and was so frustrated. I kept going in and out of the water and I could not catch my breath. That is why I chose to put a person partially submerged with a hand coming out to emphasize the struggle that I was having in the water. I added the splashes to make sure I showed the difficulty that I faced in my dream. It would also look very unrealistic if I had the boogie board and drowning person with the water completely flat like how it was originally. Adding the ripples and splashes really emphasized the struggle by disrupting the calm, flat, water.


Week 3 Assignment

Tiny World Class Participation


My Tiny World:

I think space definitely has a personality. Just look at the rooms and houses of different people and you can tell the different personalities and styles of the space. They vary from person to person and even room to room. If you go to a spa there will be usually neutral tones and calm music playing. I think the personality of a spa is definitely calm and relaxing and its personality mimics its function. Compare the spa room to an office building, there will be two completely different feelings because the different rooms serve a different person. Certain personalities of rooms can strike people different ways. If someones walks into a spa room it is going to make them feel more relaxed and less stressed.

My room makes me feel happy and comfortable because I decorated it in such a way to make me feel those things. I am very connected to my space and I think we share the same personality. I love the beach and I am a very relaxed and laid back person. This is reflected in my room through lots of shades of blues, grays, and whites that gives a relaxed and chill feeling. I love the ocean and beach and my room shows that through a big ocean tapestry, starfish, and pictures of the ocean and beach. My room is not cluttered but is not completely clean and tidy either which also mimics my laidback style. I am able to relax and be myself in my room, I am there all the time and because my room is such an accurate reflection of who I am I think I connect to it more.

I picked a panorama picture from a hike I went on last fall. I picked this picture because the way the landscape was, it would be very easy to blend the two ends together and make it look realistic. The cut out of me does not match the scenery at all but it was one of the only pictures of me by myself from above. It was hard to get the clouds just right, a lot of times the clouds looked way too much like a pattern so I had to mess with them a lot to make them more natural and spontaneous but overall I think I was able to complete this project with confidence. I think I should have picked a panorama with less going on so it looked more clean like the one we did in class.