
The first step in the diamond commodity chain is the exploration process. This is where companies search for areas where diamond mining can begin. Typically, companies will send geologists to proposed areas. There are several components geologists must identify in order for any excavation to begin: “Careful study, planning, observation, and testing are done…” (Rudnicka 2). Examples of these components include collation of geological information, reconnaissance, and sampling. Collation is when geologists will take previously researched work on the area and get an idea whether or not it is suitable for mining. Reconnaissance is actual field work in which they may take measurements on the ground, or observe the area by means of aircraft. Lastly, detailed sampling is when the geologists may take rock, soil, or water samples and utilize them in their surveying of the area (Overview of Exploration Methods). These sediments have distinct properties that indicate whether or not diamond may be present.  

One of the most reliable indicators of diamond deposits is the presence of kimberlite-an igneous rock known for containing diamond ore. Volcanic activity typically brings this rock up from around ninety miles below Earth to the surface in a place where humans can access it. It then begins to form what is known as a kimberlite pipe which is an accessible cluster of the rock.  These pipes are found by testing the ground for magnetic field changes (Diamond Industry Fact Sheet). There are several of these locations that are ideal for mining. They include Angola, Australia, Botswana, Canada, Russia, and South Africa (Diamond Industry Fact Sheet). Once deposits are located and deemed safe, the mining can begin.

Kimberlite Pipe:

AllAboutGemstones.com - Diamond Mining

Exploration does have impacts on the communities it takes place in. Communities get hit hard when they fall near to diamond ore locations because typically mining will be soon to follow the exploration and especially if it is being done by a large company, the indigenous people will have little to no say about what will happen to the land around them. Typically, the families homes will be bought up and they will be forced to relocate-even if they had been living there for hundreds of years. Even though diamonds bring in billions of dollars each year, these families near the mines will get very little of the economic growth brought in even though they are the ones whose lives are being changed (There are No Clean Diamonds).  This is just one of the many times the lower class gets uprooted and taken advantage of due to the capitalistic greed of others.

Prosperous Diamond Locations:


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