Response 8


First Name: Anonymous

Age: 18

Gender/Pronouns: Female

Sexuality: Queer

Region/Area: Eastern Kentucky

Race/Ethnicity: White


I never had any sort of formal coming out. The first person I told was a friend from summer camp; I think I was in the 8th grade. We were texting and I was like “hey btw I’m not straight.” I identified as bisexual for a few years, and the only people who knew were my friends from camp. I started going to a new high school junior year and I didn’t hide my sexuality. My best friend told me a few weeks ago how she knew I wasn’t straight. I had downloaded tinder and had both guys and girls on the app. So when she found out it was a very casual setting, I didn’t even say anything. With most of my other friends, I would say/do something kinda gay and they would say “oh you’re gay?” I would say yes and that was it. Later on, I clarified to my friends that I think a better term for me is queer, but I wasn’t really comfortable with labels. I haven’t told my family, but they are definitely suspicious.