Holiday Season Refresh

As 2023 comes to a close, many of us may be thinking – including myself, “glad this year is over, what a difficult year it has been.” It is common to focus on the negatives of life and kids are not immune to this thought process. The hustle and bustle during this time can be challenging for Cloverbud kids and is important to keep this in mind so they can flourish and enjoy this special time. Ways to reduce holiday stress and refresh for kids is to:

  • Keep daily routines as much as possible
  • Get kids outside even if cold (dress for warmth)
  • Provide quiet time to read or rest
  • Remind them this is the season for kindness and gratitude
  • Watch overeating on sweets (provide fruit snacks or other alternatives)
  • Cut back on over-scheduling

The good news is that there are many ways for Cloverbud kids to thrive during the holiday season rather than stress. Here are some proven strategies:

  • Sends cards to active military or nursing home residents
  • Teach importance of giving, rather than focus on receiving gifts
  • Go caroling to celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa or any occasion to spread good cheer
  • Encourage experiences rather than focus on material gifts – such as going to a zoo light show, volunteering at a local food bank, or enjoying a museum
  • Visit a local animal shelter bringing play toys or treats

Thanks for the important work you do as a 4-H Cloverbud volunteer and advisor. Remember, the holidays are a special time for Cloverbud kids, and we don’t have to make it perfect for that to happen. Just by showing that you care, Cloverbud kids will make special memories and help others do the same.