The holidays are nearly here, and perhaps the greeting cards are as well! It’s a fun time for kids (and adults) to check mailboxes and see who continues to take the time to send a holiday greeting in the mail to family and friends.
What do you do with holiday cards each year….toss them or save them?
Why not upcycle greeting cards with your Cloverbuds? Here are a few ways to put those old greeting cards to another use:
Craft a garland: Hang greeting cards as a garland so that you can enjoy them during the holidays before upcycling the cards in other ways. Use twine, rope, or ribbon of preferred length. Attach greeting cards to garland using small clothespins or tape.
- Make a gift tag: Cut the front off of the folded card and crop down to a smaller size. Punch a hole in the tag, add ribbon, and attach to a gift.
- Design a puzzle: Cut the front off of the folded card and keep the front picture portion. Draw designs that resemble puzzle pieces on the blank side. Cut on the lines and create your puzzle pieces.
- Build a scrapbook: Using the picture covers of cards or even cropping the text messages from inside greeting cards, create a scrapbook of your holiday memories and add special photos from the season.
- Create a new card or postcard: Cut the front off of the folded card and write a personal note on the back.
With a little imagination and creativity, holiday cards can continue to spread holiday cheer!
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