The Ohio State University
Graduate student Kyle Kafka wins Best Oral Presentation Award at SPIE Laser Damage 2016

Graduate student Kyle Kafka wins Best Oral Presentation Award at SPIE Laser Damage 2016

The oral presentation of Kyle R. P. Kafka from Chowdhury Group titled, “Few-cycle pulse laser-induced damage of thin films in air and vacuum ambience” has been selected as the best oral presentation at the 48th Boulder Laser Damage Symposium (….

Chowdhury Lab sets the standard for the highest damage threshold ultra-fast optics in the world

Chowdhury Lab sets the standard for the highest damage threshold ultra-fast optics in the world

Femtosecond Solid Dynamics Lab of Prof. Chowdhury has participated in the world-wide Thin Film Laser damage competition at the 48th Boulder Laser Damage Symposium (world’s longest running laser conference) as the official Damage Testing Facility for 2015 and 2016.  They…