The Ohio State University
Our research on the February Cover of Optical Materials Express

Our research on the February Cover of Optical Materials Express

Fig. caption Ultrafast laser damage in multilayer dielectrics forms a blister: (top) Cross-sectional SEM shows a single pulse non-thermally damaging a lower bandgap layer, vaporizing it, and stressing upper layers into a blister. (Bottom right) atomic force microscopy (AFM) image…

Students with (L-R) Lisa Hall, Wolfgang Windl, Enam Chowdhury

The Science, Performance and Critical Evaluation of Materials in Low Earth Orbit (SPACE-MAT) Center of Excellence

Fontana Laboratories
Photo by Katrina Norris
The Ohio State University

Chowdhury lab part of 2024 AFRL Center of Excellence SPACE-MAT

Chowdhury lab is now part of SPACE-MAT, an AFRL Center of Excellence (jointly funded by AFRL & AFOSR) with $5.5 million funding over 5 years to explore how materials change in space, especially in low earth orbit (LEO). As part…

Dr. Michael Tripepi joins Hillsdale College as an Assistant Professor of Physics

Dr. Michael Tripepi joins Hillsdale College as an Assistant Professor of Physics

Dr. Michael Tripepi graduated in 2022, and began his career as an assistant professor of Physics at Hillsdale College, MI in the fall of 2022. His PhD was on studying strong field nonlinearity in solids in the near to mid-infrared…

Photo: Robb McCormick Photography

Dr. Noah Talisa at the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) at Johns Hopkins

Dr. Noah Talisa graduated in December 2020. His specialty was generating and characterizing few-cycle laser pulses and capturing few cycle laser solid damage dynamics. He is currently a scientist at the APL.  

Dr. Kevin Werner at BAE Systems as Principal Laser Scientist: 2019

Dr. Kevin Werner at BAE Systems as Principal Laser Scientist: 2019

Dr. Kevin Werner Graduated from Chowdhury Group in January 2019. His PhD thesis is titled, “Ultrafast Mid-Infrared Laser-Solid Interactions”, where he studied strong field interaction in mid-IR wavelengths with materials like Si, Ge, ZnSe, ZnS, etc. His key research and…

Dr. Kyle Kafka receives Alexander Glass Award

Dr. Kyle Kafka receives Alexander Glass Award

At the recently concluded 49th SPIE Laser Damage, Boulder, CO, Dr. Kafka received the prestigious Alexander Glass Best Oral Presentation Award for the 2016 SPIE Laser Damage Conference, for his PhD research in Chowdhury group on few cycle pulse laser…

Dr. Drake Austin Joins Agostini-DiMauro group for Postdoctoral Research

Dr. Drake Austin Joins Agostini-DiMauro group for Postdoctoral Research

Recent graduate (August 2017) from Chowdhury Group, Dr. Drake Austin joins Agostini-DiMauro Group for postdoctoral research on strong field laser matter interaction. His Dissertation was titled “Semiconductor Surface Modification using Mid-Infrared, Femtosecond Laser Pulses” in which he presented his pioneering…

Recent Graduate Dr. Kyle Kafka accepts Research Staff position at Laboratory for Laser Energetics

Dr. Kyle Kafka, who recently obtained his PhD from Chowdhury group in 2017, accepted a Research Associate position at the prestigious Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE), Rochester, USA. LLE, home of the OMEGA and OMEGA EP laser facilities, is a…

Graduate student Kyle Kafka wins Best Oral Presentation Award at SPIE Laser Damage 2016

Graduate student Kyle Kafka wins Best Oral Presentation Award at SPIE Laser Damage 2016

The oral presentation of Kyle R. P. Kafka from Chowdhury Group titled, “Few-cycle pulse laser-induced damage of thin films in air and vacuum ambience” has been selected as the best oral presentation at the 48th Boulder Laser Damage Symposium (….

Chowdhury Lab sets the standard for the highest damage threshold ultra-fast optics in the world

Chowdhury Lab sets the standard for the highest damage threshold ultra-fast optics in the world

Femtosecond Solid Dynamics Lab of Prof. Chowdhury has participated in the world-wide Thin Film Laser damage competition at the 48th Boulder Laser Damage Symposium (world’s longest running laser conference) as the official Damage Testing Facility for 2015 and 2016.  They…