
Global Awareness: In order to achieve global awareness, I plan to study abroad through the university and volunteer abroad with clubs and organizations. I plan on studying abroad for a summer to accompany my Spanish minor.

Original Inquiry: I plan on engaging in my own research projects down the line, but I plan to utilize the extensive resources Ohio State has to offer and work with professors in their labs.

Academic Enrichment: I believe that although students should have a very good knowledge of their major, they should also learn about other topics. I plan on taking classes that will enrich me as a person as well as a student alongside the classes for my major. Also, I may study over the summer at the Stone Lab on the Lake Erie Islands.

Leadership Development: I will join clubs on campus focused on community service and assisting those who need it most. By doing this, I can work with my peers and suggest ideas that will further my career here at Ohio State.

Service Engagement: I plan to engage in service and work with the community here in Columbus and in my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. I have already signed up for some service organizations and hope to help the community in any way I can.