Statement of Purpose
The Staff Advisory Council (hereafter Council) shall act in an advisory capacity to the Vice President of Agricultural Administration and Dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (hereafter Vice President/Dean).
The purpose of the Council is to:
- Provide a formal vehicle for staff participation in the betterment of the College by shaping an environment that promotes mutual respect, builds teams, and creates a compelling place to work and learn;
- Increase the efficiency and scope of communication within the College and University by:
- Serving as the staff voice/liaison to the Vice President/Dean
- Relaying communication from the Vice President/Dean to staff,
- Facilitating staff-to-staff communication, and
- Broadening university-wide communication through its relationship with the University Staff Advisory Committee;
- Support the CFAES Core Goal “To be the standard of excellence for colleges of food, agricultural, and environmental sciences.”
2019 Officers
Amanda Forquer – Chair
Jared Morrison – Past Chair
Sara Tallmadge – Vice Chair
Carol Poe – Secretary/Treasurer
Zak Ralston – Communications Director
Beau Ingle – Public Relations/Archivist
Reasons to join CFAES Staff Advisory Council:
There are many good reasons to become a member of SAC. From representing the staff of your department at college level, helping the staff gain recognition in the college, meeting other staff members you would otherwise probably never meet, gaining personal development, career enhancement.
Each member of SAC is appointed for a three year term. Click here to find representatives in the directory and ask them about becoming the next SAC member for your department.
What others said about their time on the CFAES Staff Advisory Council:
“I enjoyed serving on the Staff Advisory Council as a member of the Professional Development and Road Trip task force. I also enjoyed serving as Secretary/Treasurer of Staff Advisory Council for two years. Staff Advisory Council helped me to better understand the services and opportunities that were provided to staff within the college. I have a much better understanding of the needs, not only here in Wooster, but also the challenges that Columbus and Extension face. Each location is unique and Staff Advisory Council allowed me to have a better understanding of how each operates. Serving on the Staff Advisory Council enabled me to gain personal and professional development through meeting new people within the college. It’s been a pleasure working with so many committed staff, I’m very fortunate to have met, worked and learned from so many talented people.”
— David Dietrich, ATI – Admissions Office
”I enjoyed serving on the Staff Advisory Council as a member and chair of the Staff Recognition & Shirley Brooks-Jones task force, On the Spot task force, and chair of the council. I served for eight years as representative for CFAES Administration and ACEL. Council helped me to better understand the commitment that the college administration has for the staff. There is the desire to help and support the staff in many ways. I will always remember the depth of dedication many staff members from around Ohio have for the college and its cause. Serving on council enabled me to gain personal and professional development through challenging me in the different roles I held on the council. I honed my leadership skills and managing skills while serving on council. I appreciated my time on the council and the wonderful people I was able to meet and work with throughout my term. The team was always up for a challenge and sought to communicate to others within the college, their individual worth. It was also to my benefit to be able to work with the administration and realize that staff within the college can make a difference.
— Trina Beebe, Administration, ACEL