John Schoessler, OD PhD – Class of 1965 – Notable Alumnus

John SchoesslerI was greatly and pleasantly surprised to find that I was selected to be a “notable alumnus”. I was surprised because, after all, why would I be honored for simply enjoying my career, especially since the honor belongs to countless others who made my gratifying career in optometry possible? I have always been fond of saying, “If you like what you do, you never have to go to work.” So, in this short blurb, I would like to turn the recognition around and honor those who paved the way for me to experience or touch on almost every aspect in the optometric profession and in the universe of people known as The Ohio State University. Beginning with my optometrist grandfather, whose kindness inspired me to be “just like him,” to all those along the way who provided guidance, teaching, mentoring , advise, counsel, influence, support, and prayer and ending with my family and my beloved Jane who provides all the love and encouragement I will ever need, I give my heartfelt appreciation and gratefulness.

In the past 50 years I have witnessed the most amazing changes and growth in our profession and in Ohio State. What a privilege! I personally have been a learner, a teacher, a researcher, a provider of patient care, a participant in professional and academic organizations, a recruiter, an accreditor, and an administrator. What a privilege! The people I have known via the College of Optometry (students, staff, colleagues, practitioners, lab reps, donors, and patients) are the best ever. What a privilege! I have been retired from the College of Optometry and from the profession for over ten years now, and I must tell you that I do have a “second career” which began long before my career in optometry ended. Jane and I are active in church ministry and leadership. Because of the redeeming grace in both of our lives, we have a special passion for marriages and devote time and energy to marriage ministry in particular.

Thanks to the College of Optometry for this 100th Anniversary honor. However my honor and reward will truly come if I have ever been a part of raising up another to love well and serve well. Actually, I do have another career in the offing. Since we were created for “forever” and since I have passed my allotted “threescore and ten,” I am looking toward the time when I will finish my life journey here and take my place The Eternal Kingdom. Thanks for the memories.