Greg DeNaeyer is a 1998 graduate of The Ohio State University College of Optometry. He completed a hospital-based residency at the Columbus VA Medical Center. Greg practices at Arena Eye Surgeons in Columbus, Ohio with an emphasis on specialty contact lenses.
Greg was a co-founder and past president of the Scleral Lens Education Society and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry. He is a contributing editor for Contact Lens Spectrum and a contributor to Review of Cornea and Contact Lenses and Optometric Management. Greg has lectured internationally on specialty contact lenses and was the 2013 Gas Permeable Lens Institute practitioner of the year. Currently his primary research is focused on scleral lens design.
Greg is married to Beth Travis DeNaeyer and they have two boys, Ethan (10) and Drew (6). He enjoys attending his boys’ sporting events, fly fishing, and reading.