We’ve officially (and finally!) updated the CBSAC blog! Here, you’ll find information about professional development funds, staff awards, and CBSAC events. In recent years, CBSAC has concentrated on creating staff events to promote positive staff-to-staff communication and a sense of community in CBC. While we plan to keep those traditions alive and well, we will also be concentrating on many other CBSAC goals; including…
- Broadening university-wide communications and understanding through our relationships with the College of Arts and Sciences Staff Advisory Committee as well as the University Staff Advisory Committee.
- Create activities and promote a CBC community involving staff, faculty, and graduate students of the department
- Promoting staff professional development through education opportunities and resources
- Promoting Health & Wellness initiatives throughout the department
Our goal is to broaden the scope of CBSAC, by utilizing College and University resources and ideas, involving more staff in our discussions, and creating a more positive, open environment for all to feel safe and accepted in.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please direct them to Caitlin Golec or the entire CBSAC group.