To Better The Environment

In 1901 Ferdinand-Porsche developed a car that ran not only on gas, but an electric battery.  Today we refer to Porsche’s invention as a hybrid car, which first really became introduced to the world in 1997 with the production of the Toyota Prius, the number one selling hybrid car in the world.  The Prius was the cornerstone in a push to make cars that are better for the environment and will not be a contributing factor to global warming.  The invention of these cars has started a movement, as now hybrid cars are not simply just cars.  If you drive a hybrid you are now part of a movement, or a cult of people who have the same goals as you.  To be cost efficient, to save the environment, and to likely go green.



hyrbid go green

The difference between gas prices on a hybrid car to a normal car are tremendous, as hybrid cars nearly get double the mileage per gallon.  By the year 2011, there was now forty different models of hybrid cars on the market.  If gas prices and being environmentally safe isn’t enough of a reason for people to purchase a hybrid car today, how about the government giving out rebates to those who do.  Governments clearly back the usage of hybrid cars as ultimately it will make less for them to do when it comes to helping the environment.

hybrid comparison hybrid engine operation

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