
Is there really any better field to be advertising in then cars?  Since the early 2000’s the car industry has taken storm making sure every chance they get for you to hear their companies name, you hear it.  This occurs on multiple scales in the car business.  For starters, the manufacture, for example Chevy, puts out a countless amount of commercials that can convey a wide variety of things.  For example, yearly, almost monthly, Chevy and other manufactures hold sales that cover just about the entire nation.  These are the commercials that you can see just about anywhere you go.

On another smaller scale, there are local commercials that occur in one’s town that are representative of a franchise to a greater manufacture.  These franchises may have deals and sales of their own, or simply they just want to put out a commercial to get their image out there.  A big thing in the car industry is to find your company’s niche, or even a slogan.  The goal of this is for someone to think of this slogan and then automatically remember the name of the company.  The slogan is what keeps the companies name resonating in one’s head.

It is in this portion of the industry where the dollar signs are conveyed to the customer and are meant to draw their attention (even if there are usually always strings attached).  If the deal doesn’t look appeasing on T.V., it certainly will not appear that way to them in store.

Local scale commercials look like the one pictured beneath this.  Companies like the one pictured beneath use slogans like “Whatever your looking for, you’ll find it at Northtown” While at a larger scale, companies like Toyota use slogans such as “Toyota, Moving you forward”

craig northtown toyota

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