Project Archive

Fall 2012

  • Dr. Farnaz Maleky (OSU) – Investigating the dynamic of moisture migration in structured and oriented sheet of fat as moisture barrier in food
  • Dr. Sudhir Sastry (OSU) – Highly sensitive microelectromechanical temperature sensor for food processing and packaging .
  • Dr. Stephanie Dungan (UC Davis) – Using SPME-LC to evaluate release of non-volatile bioactives in foods
  • Dr. Mary Ann Lila (NCSU) – Binding health protective, immune-enhancing bioactive compounds from fruits and vegetables in a shelf stable food ingredient for combat rations
  • Dr. Dennis Heldman (OSU) – Thermo-physical and electrical properties of foods

Spring 2012

  •  Dr. Josip Simunovic (NCSU) Acoustic enhancement of continuous flow cooling
  • Dr. Balasubramaniam (OSU) Impact of pressure based alternative technologies on nutrient stability of model liquid beverage systems.
  • Dr. Steve Schwartz (OSU) Enhancing bioavailability and nutritional quality of processed tomato products
  • Dr. N. Nitin (UC Davis) Engineering release of encapsulated compounds
  • Dr. N. Nitin (UC Davis) Rapid in-situ detection of live microbes in food materials and water
  • Dr. Brian Farkas (NCSU) Dynamic surface and interfacial tension as affected by composition, temperature, and surface age

Spring 2011

  • Dr. Saad Khan (NCSU) Detection of foodborne pathogens via nanofibrous membranes
  • Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam (OSU) Enhancing lethality of thermal and pressure-temperature processed spores suspended in low-acid food matrices using natural antimicrobial compounds.
  • Dr. Brian Farkas (NCSU) High temperature interfacial properties in food systems
  • Dr. Sheryl Barringer (OSU) Properties of dehydrated fruits and vegetables puree/juice with an innovative dehydration system: Solid-liquid separator (SLS)
  • Dr. N. Nitin (UC Davis) Enhanced antioxidant properties of interface and reduced mobility of encapsulated lipid carriers to limit oxidation of encapsulated products in emulsions and particles
  • Dr. Stephanie Dungan (UC Davis) Evaluating release of flavors and bioactives from nanoparticles and emulsions

October 2010

  • Dr. Trevor Phister (NCSU) Dispersion of biofilms for processing surfaces using GRAS chemicals
  • Dr. N. Nitin (UCD) Improving antioxidant activity of emulsifiers using ‘click chemistry’
  • Dr. B.E. Farkas (NCSU) High Temperature surface and interfacial tension

April 2010

  • Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam (OSU) Enhancing combined pressure-temperature process lethality of spores suspended in low-acid ambient stable and extended shelf life (ESL) products
  • Dr. Nitin (UCD) – In-Situ Measurement of transport of free radicals across micor-encapsulation barriers and oxidation of encapsulated products
  • Dr. Diane Barrett (UCD) – Effects of Residual Enzymes on Quality of Stored Apple & Tomato Juices
  • Dr. Saad Khan (NCSU) – Nanofibrous membranes for detection of foodborne pathogen

October 2009

  • Dr. Nitin (UCD) Oxidative stability of food bioactives in micro and nano encapsulated particles during pressure-assisted thermal processing of a low acid food

April 2009

  • Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam (OSU) Study on food constituent protective effects and spore injury during pressure-assisted thermal processing of a low acid food
  • Dr. K.P. Sandeep (NCSU) Determination of time-temperature history during thermal processing using MEMS and RF telemetry
  • Dr. Jiyoung Lee (OSU) Rapid detection of bacterial spores in food processing
  • Dr. Alyson Mitchell (UCD) Assessing the bioavailability of quercetin from fortified apple sauce
  • Dr. Robert Kelly (NCSU) Development of a sterilization time-temperature integrator based on enzymes from hyperthermophilic microorganisms
  • Dr. Jianrong Li (OSU) Rapid detection of norovirus in fruit puree and inactivation dynamics of norovirus during high pressure processing

October 2008

  • Dr. Alyson Mitchell (UCD) – Assessing the bioavailability of quercetin from fortified apple sauce
  • Dr. Josip Simunovic (NCSI) Development of a sterilization time-temperature integrator (TTI) based on enzymes for hyperthermophilic microorganisms

March 2008

  • Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam (OSU) – Study on food constituent protective effects and spore injury during pressure-assisted thermal processing of a low-acid food
  • Dr. Diane Barrett (UC Davis) – Evaluation of membrane stabilizing treatments that maintain cellular turgor after high pressure and thermal processing
  • Dr. Kurt Koelling (OSU) – Assessment and improvement of the physico-chemical properties of bio-bases films for food packaging applications
  • Dr. Hua Wang (OSU) – Accurate Assessment of food processing efficancy using non-culturing molecular detection method

October 2007

  • Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam (OSU)Feasibility of using a chemical marker technique for process uniformity studies during high pressure processing

October 2006

  • Dr. Lee-Ann Jaykus (NCSU) – Rapid post process enumeration of surviving and inactivated endospores of thermobacteriological surrogate microorganisam (Seed request)
  • Dr. Alyson Mitchell (UCD) – Preparation of standardized material and methods development for assessing the bioavailiaby of quercetin from fortified apple sauce (Seed request)
  • Dr. Pieter Stroeve (UCD) – Use of PEF for reversible formation of nanopores in plant cell membranes (Seed request)
  • Dr. Josip Simunovic (NCSU) – Investigation of a non-contact detection system for determination of cooking and sterilization state of microwave-treated pre-packaged foods and biomaterials (Confidential seed request)
  • Dr. K.P. Sandeep (NCSU) – Use of RFID tags in determining the time-temperature history within a product during processing, transportation and storage (Seed request)

April 2006

  • Dr. Ahmed Yousef (OSU) Elimination of processing-resistant spoilage and pathogenic bacteria from food using combination of pressure and xanthene-derivative
  • Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam (OSU) – Quality of high pressure sterilized low-acid foods
  • Dr. Melvin Pascall (OSU) – Nanocomposite Multilayer Barrier Technology for Food Packaging Films
  • Dr. K.P. Sandeep (NCSU) Development of a Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System-based (MEMS) temperature sensor to determine internal temperatures within multiphase food products
  • Dr. Hua Wang (OSU) Rapid detection of live microorganisms in foods

October 2005

  • Dr. Ahmed Yousef (OSU) Screening for antimicrobial peptides with potential application against foodborne gram negative pathogens
  • Dr. Pablo Coronel (NCSU) In-line monitoring of dielectric properties of microwave heated food materials
  • Dr. Luis Rodriguez-Saona (OSU) Application of Infrared Spectroscopy for the Rapid Identification and Determination of Inactivation Kinetics of Spore-forming Bacteria
  • Dr. Melvin Pascall (OSU) Nanocomposite Multilayer Barrier Technology for Food Packaging Films

April 2005

  • Dr. Diane Barrett (UC Davis) Influence of various processes on plant cell integrity and its application to quality and shelf-life extension of refrigerated fruit products
  • Dr. Stephanie Dungan (UC Davis) Creating Nanostructured Materials using Emulsifier Mixtures and milk protein
  • Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam (OSU) Enhancing the microbial lethality of Clostridium botulinum surrogate spore during Pressure-Assisted Thermal Processing
  • Dr. Thomas Shellhammer (Oregon State Univ) Pressure induced pH shifting to improve HPP lethality
  • Dr. Hua Wang (OSU) Developing biofilm interfering formula for industrial application
  • Dr. Luis Rodriguez-Saona (OSU) Application of infrared spectroscopy for the rapid identification and determination of inactivation kinetics of sporeforming bacteria

May 2004

  • Dr. V.M. (Bala) Balasubramaniam and Ahmed Yousef (OSU), Screening for a clostridium botulinum surrogate spore for validation of low-acid high-pressure processes
  • Dr. Sudhir Sastry (OSU) Advancement of High Pressure: Combination pressure/PEF and pressure-assisted thermal process technology
  • Dr. Hao Fen (Univ. of Illinois) Manothermosonication for dual-inactivation of thermo resistant pectinmethylesterase and acid tolerant foodborne pathogens in orange juice.
  • Dr. Ahmed Yousef (OSU) Screening for antimicrobial peptides with potential application against foodborne gram negative pathogens