Final Strategic Life Plan

With my first semester of college done and packed away into my memory banks, it’s hard to imagine the way I was when I first came to The Ohio State University. I came to this prestigious university without a clear path towards my desirable career of dentistry. I knew it was going to take a lot of science and a lot of other pieces of hard work but I didn’t quite know where to start. Without an intended major and feeling lost through my first few weeks of school regarding where I should go, I feel like being in the health sciences program and the assignments that were required helped me discover the path that I wanted to take and realize what other areas of study I am interested in.

If it wasn’t for this survey class, I don’t think I would feel as confident as I do now about my future and my goals. My path became clearer with each assignment, starting with the first strategic life plan. Although at the time I didn’t have a Plan B, I’m more than sure that I have one now. Through this assignment and various others, including the graduate and professional schools fair, I was able to discover exactly what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it. I discovered that I would pursue the dental program here at Ohio State through a major in Biology with a minor in Latin. This decision came after careful considerations, research, and thinking that was urged on by this health sciences survey class. Through researching I also gained another valuable skill for the rest of my college career.

This skill I learned was how to utilize campus and internet resources. Through the campus website and course curriculum and other valuable resources that are made available by Ohio State, I was able to become adept in the use and discovery of campus and internet resources. One of the most important resources I learned to utilize was the wisdom of faculty members, upperclassmen, and university staff members. These three groups of people in particular helped me to realize my path towards dental school and to pursue what I love in my education.

In conclusion, I believe that this course, including every aspect of the course inside and outside of the classroom, has helped me to develop a strategic life plan applicable while I remain in college here at The Ohio State University. I have become more confident and sure of what exactly it is that I want to pursue and have developed a precise plan of getting there. Next semester and in the semesters that will follow, I want to continue to grow socially and academically throughout my career at Ohio State as I continue to pursue my ultimate goal of dental school.

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