The Step Experience:

STEP is about experiencing uncertainty and excitement. It provides the opportunity to think and act creatively. At this point, you may only have a few notions of what you would like to do, or you may have a pretty clear idea.  My job as a faculty mentor is to stretch your thinking, to encourage you to be bold, and to help you design a project that you will be proud to share with others for years to come.

STEP is for second year students who may want to explore a study abroad trip, an internship, a research project, or take a  road trip around the country ! All of these come with a monetary stipend to fund your project. STEP is a really good opportunity to make new friends, go on fun outings on and off campus, and have a chance to work with a really cool faculty member on campus !

Your ultimate goal in this program is to end the year with an approved project.  Along the way you’ll ultimately learn about key components of any defined work effort — purpose, goals, outcomes, activities, reporting and budget.

Above you will see some of my former STEP students having fun on campus, standing in front of the Parthenon in Greece, visiting the Shoe, and bunjee jumping in the beautiful New Zealand ! Just a few of the fun STEP projects STEP students have chosen.

To Learn more about STEP :



Also, listen to my podcast. showcasing some of my amazing students and their signature projects….


~ Ebony

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