Course Ratings and Reviews Enabled for eLearning Courses

On Wednesday, August 14, 2024, Course Ratings and Reviews will be turned on for all eLearning courses (aka Online Courses) in BuckeyeLearn.

Course Ratings and Reviews allow users who have completed an eLearning to provide a 1 to 5-star rating and feedback. The purpose of the Course Ratings and Reviews functionality is to collect user feedback on eLearning courses to drive continuous improvement. Organizational Unit administrators can report on these ratings and reviews, using the insights to advocate for course enhancements with their unit’s instructional designers, leadership, and subject matter experts.

The Course Ratings and Reviews standards ensure that feedback is constructive, relevant, and focused on the course content. These standards foster an environment of continuous improvement and high-quality eLearning experiences by gathering meaningful insights from learners. More information is available on the Course Ratings and Reviews job aid for learners.

Each review must follow the Review Standards. Reviews will be monitored and moderated on a biweekly basis by the BuckeyeLearn Support team to ensure compliance with the Review Standards. Any review that violates the guidelines will be removed from the system.

Examples of Appropriate Reviews

  • “The course provided clear and concise information on data privacy laws, with practical examples that were easy to understand.”
  • “I found the interactive quizzes very helpful for retaining information. However, I think adding more real-life case studies could improve the learning experience.”
  • “The instructor explained the concepts very well, but the pacing was a bit too fast in the final module.”

Examples of Reviews to be Removed

  • Off-Topic Complaints: “I shouldn’t have to take this training; it’s a waste of time.”
  • Nonsensical Comments: “Blah blah blah, I don’t care.”
  • Offensive Language: “This course was [expletive]. The instructor has no clue what they’re talking about.”
  • Personal Attacks: “The instructor is terrible and should be fired.”
  • Irrelevant Content: “I had a bad day and couldn’t focus on the course.”
  • Filler characters: “asdkfjasdf”