Uplift your mood

The year 2020 has been quite the ride thus far. It has been hard and of course it most likely has affected your mood in at least some capacity. Before I say anything else, remember that is okay! Secondly, believe it or not, there are some natural ways to bring a few more butterflies to your mood without any stimulants

  • Try creating a morning routine, whether it be stretching, giving thanks, or journaling. Use something that will set a positive tone to begin your day. 
  • Increase your intake of mood-boosting foods. Think omega-3s which can be found in foods such as fish walnuts, flaxseed, chia seeds and dark leafy greens. 
  • Drink more water! Dehydration causes fatigue and agitation. 
  • Check your vitamin D. Low levels of vitamin D are linked to depression, so be sure to get 15 minutes of sunshine a day or invest in a good quality supplement. 
  • Try aiming for a day “social media-free” once a week. It may just be exactly what you needed as an escape. 
  • Exercise may just be the most powerful mood booster. On top of numerous other health benefits it creates endorphins, or the feel good hormone. 

Certain herbs can also be pretty powerful mood lifters too. One herb specifically is Gaia Herbs’ Mood Uplift. It is designed to support mental and emotional wellbeing. In Gaia Herbs’ Mood Uplift there are a combination of ingredients to foster a better outlook on life. The following are the three largest doses of ingredients in the herb. 

Oats milky seed. The milky seed is used for support of nervous conditions ranging from mild and moderate stress to anxiety and the panics. 

St. John’s Wort is one of the most commonly used herbs for happiness. Some studies show it may in fact be just as impactful as taking an antidepressant. Due to it’s powerfulness, it may interact with some medications, so if you plan to take in large doses you may want to talk to your doctor first. 

Vervain is very well- acknowledged for its ability to ease the feelings associated with anxiety and stress. As a cup of vervain tea, it has very calming effects on the central nervous system in turn creating  a calming and relaxation sensation. Vervain is also supposed to be effective in easing post-traumatic stress and insomnia. It is a natural tranquilizing agent that is a good antidote for restlessness and irritation.

On top of Guia Herbs’ Mood Uplift, there may be many other herbs found to benefit you with your health.