
Reliability- I found this website to be very reliable when considering the topic. This website being the official website of the Hall OF fame makes it a very credible source . The website also had contact info and an author name

Quality- this was a quaility website in the way that it provides in depth answers to all of my questions and gave me so added on knowledge about the history of football.

Utility- this website was very helpful in providing answers for me and it was a reliable source that I would definitely reccomend when looking up this topic



Main Points: The main points in this video was how African Americans had their freedom taken away just because the color of their skin. This was going on for a long period of time. In this video it shows African American people working, they were not necessarily slaves but they were not yet free either so they still had to obey their masters. This was one of the most horrific things that have ever happened in American history that most people till this day still do not understand.

This video has helped me understand why today African Americans are free. In this video it showed me how strong African Americans were to be mistreated like they were and still fight back just to be treated as equally as every other race. This video also helped me learn more about the history of the southern states back when the civil war and world war 2 was going on.  also this video taught me how mislead the world was because of someone skin color. I received a lot more information on this topic from just this little clip of how things were back In the days during the civil war and world war 2.

Communicating and Collaborating post


Hello students,

In this blog I will be talking about how you can affectively use technology to facilitate the work load of a collaboration or group project.Today there are many different types of technology that allow for the sharing and publishing of works between people. Some examples are email, google docs, dropbox, social media/facebook, apps, etc. Things like google docs allow someone to type up a paper and then share it with a group member . This allows your group member to be able to go in and edit the paper or add whatever they wish to the work. This makes it easy to do projects when there is a situation where the group members cannot meet up in person to collaborate. The social media is also another source that makes communication and collaboration much easier. Things like facebook allow for wall posts and direct messaging between users. This can be used to keep your partner updated on what you have completed and what they need to complete. This open line of communication is beneficial for times when a phone cannot be reached at the time  or is not in use. All in all technology has made communication and collaboration  a no sweat activity