Module 4: Web-Enhanced Reading & Study Strategies

This module revolved around study strategies and tips. A lot of times we overlook our personal study habits, and focus more on just learning the material in what ever way possible to pass. We focus on the information we need to know for the upcoming exam, instead of thinking about the best way for us to retain that information. I admit that I am guilty of never really thinking about what way I learn and retain information the best. Everyone has different learning styles that work for them, and this module gave great learning strategies.

The most interesting and useful thing I learned from this module was the different learning styles (page 6). The different learning style examples the book gave was visual, auditory, reading and writing, and tactile. The book then gave examples of study skills and strategies for each learning style. I think that I am definitely a visual learner. Graphs, pictures, charts and maps help me understand information the best. I never really thought about what type of learner I was, and I think that is part of the problem in my study and learning strategies. I have not always been playing to my strengths, so to speak, and putting information into charts and pictures that I can better understand. So, future me will definitely be trying to use more visual aid in my notes. My parting advice for you future college students would be to figure out what works best for you. Some people need movement to understand material, some like to listen to podcasts and lectures, and others like to be able to read it in front of them. Find out what helps you, and try to utilize that in your future studying and note taking. You will be doing yourself a big favor by figuring out what way will help you retain information the best. Good luck!

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