Module 3: Communicating and Collaboration

This module revolved all around communication on the web. This communication can be with your peers, friends, boss, professors, or anyone really. Today, so much of what we do involves using the web in some way, and technology is such a major part of our academic and personal lives. It is so important to know how to properly and effectively communicate.

One of the most important and useful things I learned in this specific module was how to stay organized online (page 126). Too often, I hear horror stories of students sending unedited or incorrect emails to bosses or future employers, sending emails to the wrong people or submitting the wrong file in their class dropbox. It is so important to double check everything you are sending or submitting because you once you click that send button, you can’t get that email or assignment back. It will save you a lot of stress and trouble by double and triple checking before you upload anything online. It is important to make sure you are putting your best work forward, or giving the best impression of yourself online.

My parting advice for you future students would be to obviously check everything. I would advise giving all your files very clear titles. Also, organizing files by class is also another way to prevent mistakes. If you’re sending an email, I’d also advise not putting the email address of the person you’re emailing in until you have completed, edited and checked what you have typed out. This way you can’t accidentally send a bad email, or send something to the wrong person. Stay organized so you can effectively collaborate and communicate on the web.