Bootcamp #2 Recap

We are thrilled to report that Bootcamp #2 was a success!  Our digital book authors are making significant progress creating new, innovative ways of displaying their information.  The five projects: 4-H Leadership Roadtrip, SPARK, Principles of Weed Ecology and Management, Microbiology 4000 Lab Manual, and the Graduate Astronomy Series have come a long way in their 3 months with us, and we can’t wait to see their final creations.

In our second bootcamp on October 10th, our digital book authors worked on their respective projects as well as offered feedback to other projects. Our members have created innovative layouts, movies, widgets, and more!  Click on the video below to take a look at this brief clip of the Weed Ecology and Management book by Bruce Ackley:

Screen Shot 2014-10-14 at 1.25.17 PM

To create this amazing video, Mr. Ackley used the brand new Digital Union in Denney Hall (room 063), specifically the green screen recording video room. To check out what else the Digital Unions on campus have to offer, visit their page here.