How to Use: Categories & Tags

Whether using U.OSU for a class site, personal blog or portfolio, utilizing categories and tags (and knowing the difference between them) is beneficial in more ways than one. Increased organization creates a better user experience and can also drive more traffic to your content.

What are they?

Categories allow you to group posts into broader topics.

They collect and organize content structurally and can be hierarchical. You can set your categories and their order in your WordPress dashboard ahead of time. For example, if you’re setting up a class blog, you might know you want your categories to be homework, class activities, readings and resources. Read More

How To: Add Users and Assign Roles

Maintaining a blog or managing a website can seem daunting; luckily there is safety in numbers. U.OSU allows for multiple users to increase collaboration and participation on your site.

You can invite anyone with an active OSU username (lastname.#) to contribute to your site, they can easily sign up for a U.OSU site to get started. An instructor might add students to spark group discussion, a student organization could add an advisor to moderate content, or a group studying abroad could all blog while traveling.

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